
I’ve been an athlete my whole life. It was football and wrestling in high school and then four years of college football.  Afterward, I competed in Boxing, Bodybuilding and powerlifting.  I’ve had two knee surgeries and one shoulder surgery. I know what it’s like to have my body running like a finely tuned machine and what it feels like to be broken down.

About 10 years ago my body was ready for the scrap heap. I had pain that ping-ponged around my body all day long. I couldn’t even raise my arm over my head or sleep on my left side because of the pain in my shoulder. I thought I was just going to continue the inevitable slide down hill and abandon what little activity I had left. And that’s when I discovered Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT®). After one session I was swinging my left arm around like a windmill with no pain. I was hooked. I decided right then to become a MAT specialist.

Then I was introduced to Posturology and once again I was blown away by the results. My energy level dramatically improved and that nagging pain that was bouncing around my body disappeared. Using Posturology I aligned my body posture and made it permanent.  When your posture is aligned, then so are your joints and muscles.  This can lead to increased energy and much less wear and tear on your joints and muscles as your body moves more efficiently.  

Posturolgoy and MAT® are both powerful and transformative techniques that are mainstays of my treatment protocol. But I’m always on the lookout for modalities that help alleviate pain and enhance function. Over the last several years, I have added several techniques to the Muscle Mechanic toolbox, so I can help you up off the scrap heap and get you the body you want.  

Images provided by Alex @ SmartShoot

Brant Amundson

- ACE Certified Personal Trainer
- Muscle Activation Techniques Specialist
- Posturology Practitioner
- 30 years personal training experience
- IM=X Pilates certified
- Weight Training
- Boxing Instruction (golden gloves participant)